Dear nigerians,
. Every day, life brings up situations (good or bad) that sometimes make us lose focus on the very things that are CORE to our lives. By the way, it's not God that brings bad situations our ways; it's because we live in a fallen Earth. For, God is all good; he is all kind. There's not one jot of darkness in Him!
We must NEVER lose focus on the CORE. We must ALWAYS keep it in view. The strength that focusing on the CORE produces will help us triumph over all odds. Because, our minds will receive courage from what we see.
I learnt a wisdom from someone, and it has helped me and keeps helping through my life. He told me:
"NEVER major on THE MINOR and minor ON THE MAJOR! Instead, major ON THE MAJOR; minor ON THE MINOR."
Be strengthened in your mind. KEEP THE CORE IN VIEW!
I hope this greatly helps.
PS: I'll send today's poem in a jiffy. It's titled "BOGEYMAN."
I love you dear friend; and I am deeply committed to helping your life get better.
Have a great day!
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